Your callers need information, not canned phrases and boring music. You need to keep them connected, listening, and ready to do business. Your KustomerKeeper will do both.
This is no time for meaningless phrases like “your call is important to us” that push your callers away. This is your moment to keep your caller connected, convert a phone call into a sale, and have an opportunity to serve everyone who calls with helpful information.
So, here’s the question: “Is your telephone system emotionally intelligent”. When your caller is on hold, do you provide information and direction in a manner that respects your caller’s intelligence? Do you address the most critical concerns your caller has at that moment? Does your caller hear mindless music or a message that treats your caller like just another one of the masses, or are you addressing your caller as an individual with particular needs?
This is an emotionally intelligent approach telephone retention services. It gives you the precise language and tone your caller recognizes as engaging and respectful of their interests and time.
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